Wait for it...wait for it.........
Are these not the sweetest sleeping cats EVER??? I cannot claim credit for this idea. I found it years ago in some teaching book or magazine and dug it out for a letter "C" activity. It's another easy one but it does require a little bit of prep work ahead of time.
You'll need a large paper plate and a small paper plate for each cat. You will also need construction paper, paint, glue and a black marker. I trimmed the plates down a bit by cutting off most of the outside edge of the bigger plate and all of the edge of the little plate. I cut out circles for the feet, triangles for the ears and a bitty triangle for the nose. You will need to cut out a big C for the tail too. I asked each of the kids what color cat they wanted to make the day before so I knew what colors paper and paint we needed.
This project requires two drying periods so it would take most of the day but the actual working time is pretty short. First the kids should paint both plates. I've found a great way to keep paint off the table w/o using newspaper. We have a ton of laminated placemats and I just use a couple of those under the projects. I can then move them right on the placemat to a safe place to dry too. Once the plates are dry they can glue the ears on the smaller plate and then glue the smaller plate on the bigger plate. Next apply glue to the top of the C and add that to the cat. They can glue on the feet and the nose and then set it to dry once again. When the paint and glue are dry enough, use a black marker to trace around the head and have your child add eyes, mouth and whiskers. And there you have it.
After writing the title of this post I now have the song "C is for Cookie" running through my head...argghhh! Except I'm saying "kitty" instead of cookie and that isn't even correct. Lord help me, I think I've finally lost it.
Those are adorable!
cute cats!!!!!!!!!!
love those Marie, the are so cute!
I love it! We'll totally try that out this week!
Thanks Marie :)
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