Wednesday, September 1, 2010

family, people, caring and love...a monologue by Katie

The other night as I sat working on my September curriculum, Katie sat at the table writing furiously on a piece of paper. She filled both sides with her strings of letters and wavy lines. Then she marched over to me and began to read. I rapidly switched gears and began typing her monologue right in the middle of my curriculum. I knew in subsequent readings her speech could be completely different or even forgotten altogether and I was enchanted with what she read. So now, without further ado, here's what Katie has to say...

I love Teresa and she's very sick. She was kind of throwing up and not breathing and it's a good time to really help her and when she goes to the doctors and I care about her. Even when she goes to the hospital and doctors. And it's really nice to hear Sam being fun. He's kooky sometimes, dancing and making me laugh. He lets me do his ear too. I like people and it's important to care about people. It's really nice to hear when they are helping. It's really nice when people care about people and it's good. That's what I want to do. And what I want to do, I do. My Mom is really cuddly. Teresa is nice and she's kind and she helps me. Mom is kind and she helps people. When I fall off the door, she helps me because I'm crying. I care about Mom when I'm sleeping and when I'm smelling. Dad is always joking and he does the jokes again and again and he makes me laugh. I take care of the Julia or Molly. I ask, "does she need a paci, is she hungry, is she tired?" Well, I just love people. I love you.


I heart said...

I love it! So how often is she falling off the door? LOL

Jessica Ryan said...

I am so glad you stopped what you were doing to write that... too often we don't and look at all the wonderful-ness we miss!

Sarah said...

love that! what a sweet heart. Her falling off the door, Sam letting her do his ear, and caring about you when she's smelling made me laugh. such a funny, sweet girl!

Marie said...

isn't it sweet and funny and perfect? I love it too. I had to lol when she mentioned the whole falling off a door thing. No idea what she was talking about. And the loving me when she was smelling. That's a good thing...right? :)