Saturday, July 17, 2010

two disheveled princesses

What? Doesn't everyone wear tiaras and veils to watch television?

Side note: The two blankets Kate has wrapped around her serving as her veil and dress are not being used for lack of dress up dresses. We have a room, yes a room, full of dress up dresses. Lately she has gotten attached to these blankets and she carries them both with her almost everywhere. She loves wearing the smaller one on her head like this to pretend she has long hair like Rapunzel. You know what it reminds me of? Remember when Linus wraps his blankie around his head in the Christmas special as his shepherd's headgear so Lucy won't punch him for having a blankie?

Do you see the resemblance too?

1 comment:

I heart said...

Hahaha They crack me up!