Wednesday, March 10, 2010

bloggography challenge exposure triangle

Manic Mother

This past weeks bloggography challenge was for me the toughest one yet. The last several weeks we've worked on iso, shutter speed and aperture in isolation, for the most part. This week was to try and see how they work together to create a good exposure. I haven't got to the point where knowing what settings to use in what situation is automatic. I've been trying to keep my camera off auto and I really love how the photos look when I get it just right but that doesn't happen most of the time. Getting the lighting right continues to be my biggest roadblock.

I took this photo at ISO 100 fstop 5.6 and shutter speed 1/100s

I got a much better result once I made a couple of changes. This photo was shot with an ISO of 800 fstop 6.3 and shutter speed remained the same at 1/100s.

We were also challenged to work with the settings covered in previous tutorials further. I took some fun action shots of Kate leaping from a little climber.

ISO 400 fstop 8 shutter speed 1/500s

ISO 400 fstop 6.3 shutter speed 1/800s

ISO 400 fstop 4.5 shutter speed 1/800s

I still can't look at a potential photo and have the magic settings pop into my head automatically but I do have a better understanding of what the different settings mean now and how they interact to create a better photo. I'm so excited that I can see the difference in my photos too. Jump over to Manic Mother's or Better in Bulk's blogs to link up your own photos or to check out everyone else's entries.


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Love your action shots. What a big difference a couple changes made with the cute little pig toy :)

Jenny said...

Those are all great shots!

Bri said...

very cool pictures and examples. I like to practice everyday. I imagine one day I'll 'get it' :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Laura said...

Great Examples and Fun pictures!

Stepping On Cheerios said...

Great Pix! I have a photoblog too

Marie said...

thanks everyone!